Thursday, 19 April 2018



For my music video I want to film in a scene of beauty. A location which is natural within nature. When I filmed my nature video last year for my first FMP, I was going all over the place to find the right shot. I came across an amazing field of rapeseed. It was so bright and colourful when the sun shined on it. The yellow was so vibrant and beautiful.

If I want to use this rapeseed field as the main location for my music video, I will need to find out when it grows. This year has been a little different because we've had a long winter and lots of snow which has held everything back. This time last year the trees were blossoming and all the daffodils were out.

Rapeseed comes out around the end of April, through to May and June. It grows up to 2-4 feet. Hopefully it will come out soon as It will be a great location to film my music video.   

I can imagine the singer walking along side the rapeseed or even in it? Hopefully the day will be bright and sunny, as I would like some nice lens flares and panning shots showing the beauty of the vibrant colours. The blue sky and the yellow rapeseed.

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