Thursday, 26 April 2018

On Location/Recce/Testshoots

On Location Blog

So today, me and Ryan went out recceing in Frome. We looked at three different graveyards. I want a graveyard in my music video because Ally will be visiting a grave at the end of the video to reveal that she's lost a loved one. The first graveyard was the smallest out of the three, but had a really nice gate and fence. I was thinking a nice panning shot with the steady cam to set the scene, it also had a great background of the church which looked really impressive as a low angel. But I was looking forward a newish looking gravestone so I can work around that. But know luck there unfortunately, so we went to the second graveyard location. This was far the best one as there was so much more open space, which was what I was looking for. There was a spot at the back of the graveyard that fitted my shot perfectly. It also had a great view of the church in the background which was a big bonus. But because its under a tree I found adjusting the lighting and exposure a little tricky. But If I went there in the afternoon the sun would be behind me and shinning on Ally and tombstone, which will be much better. Also I was looking for a shot which Ally will be walking along the graveyard. There was a nice shot I found, but It wasn't the best. So we went to the third and final location. This one had more longer stretched paths, but I did find a nice spot for what I was looking for.  

Test Shoots

Here are some test shots of the graveyard scene. In two different locations, I think I prefer the two left pictures as the lighting is better and the framing is good with the church in the background. But I also like the close up picture on the right.

Here are some footage on video -

Recce Shots

The below recce shots are from Clay Hill and Heavens Gate  -

The next set of pictures are of the rapeseed field on the way to Bath.

Here is some test footage of panning.

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