Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Board Game Prototype

Board Game Prototype 

Prototype of Prince-Chess can be found in a polly pocket in the media office. 

Prince-Chess is a game played between two opponents on opposite sides of a board containing 81 squares of alternating colours. Each player has 18 pieces: 1 King, 1 Queen, 1 Prince/Princess, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, and 9 Pawns. The goal of the game is to checkmate the other king. 

The King moves exactly one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. 

The Queen moves any number of squares in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. 

The Prince/Princess can move the same as the King, with one exception. If you take one of the opponents pieces you can choose to bring back one of yours of the same value (Pawns and specials) and these start on the original square.

The Rook moves any number of squares in a horizontal or vertical direction.

The Bishop moves any number of squares in any diagonal direction.

A Knight moves in a "L" pattern. The knight is not blocked by other piece, it can jump to the new location.

The Pawns move straight forward one square. If it has not yet moved. a pawn also has the option of moving two squares straight forward. Pawns can not move backwards. A pawn can capture an enemy piece by taking on a diagonal. If you get one of your pawns to the other side, you get to swap your pawn with one of your choice. 

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