Thursday, 19 October 2017


Unit 11 - Preparing for Progression in Creative Media Production
Production Target 3: Evaluation P.T 3.1

Lyndon Coleman

I have enjoyed this unit of work because I found most of it very creative; it challenged me to express myself within practical tasks. Whist I found the showreel great fun to do as I'm a confidant editor, I feel that I actually learnt the most new things and was most challenged preparing my presentation, about my targets and goals, and visiting the BBC. 

Hand picking things I think would make me stand out, so I added a few piano arrangements, stop motion, drawings and some edits. To merge them one after the other was a bit of a challenge but wasn't too difficult, its something you have to think about because you can't just put it together any old way, its got to blend and work well. I feel that the showreel was one of my strengths in this unit, as I think it shows my editing skills.

For my logo; this was half done as I already have a logo, I just had to write about it. I didn't just write about it though, I also compared my logo with my previous versions, and it shows how it's evolved over the years which was very interesting and nostalgic to see. I feel this was also a strength in this unit.

Visiting BBC Bristol the other week and I asked a couple of questions, I recored this and wrote about what I learnt. I had some really good advice, such as to keep bothering the BBC. This will make you look very keen and will prove to the BBC you are committed and passionate. Also to be active on social media. Which is good news for me because I have a YouTube channel which shows a lot of my skills through editing and piano arrangements. I feel that this was one of my strengths in this unit as I am really determined to work for the BBC one day. To get an apprenticeship in editing or to start of as a runner and build myself up.

One of my weaknesses I felt was the pitch I had to deliver to the class. I had to present my 12 months development action plan and talk about my goals and targets I hope to achieve. Feedback I had was to look up more because I was reading pretty much of my piece of paper. I knew this would be the case and I knew this would be brought up. Also I feel that I should of used Prezi maybe, as it looks a lot more visual than Google Slides. That and I think I should of had less words on screen and left room for my imagination to expand on things straight out. The main thing I find difficult is writing this right now. I find the writing and analysing really hard. I would like this to be improved and this will come in practice and time, same with the presentation. I think I can do two things in the short term that may help me to improve my critical analysis skills and self reflection: 1) Read other peoples personal statements. 2) Watch a selection of presentations on YouTube about things I enjoy; such as by film makers. 

The three things I've learnt is how to write a job application, I think this skill is very useful for the future and will help a lot getting jobs. Also I learnt a lot visiting the BBC, lots of great advice was given to the class. Finally I learnt to look up more when I'm presenting to the class.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


My logo

Below are three hand picked logos I've used in the past to what I use now. I love how it's evolved over the years. From just saying my name with a black background to grey text and a space background. 

My current  logo has a very simple design (bottom logo), but is very effective and stands out. It says my name in a bold text in a silvery texture. I like this because the silver really stands out in front of the background of space. I 've used this particular logo for almost 2 years, I just really like it that's why I haven't changed it since, maybe I might in the future. 


This logo inspired me from the Doctor Who font, which has a similar design. I think its very clean, fresh and basic. I chose the black and white theme because its high contrast and stands out at small a size. I thought it reads well in a small size as I designed it mainly for YouTube.


In this version I changed the background to make it look like space. So people can make the connection to my name and science fiction. I made a slight change to the spacing of the font as I wanted it to be more central.


This is my current logo. It is a mixture of the first two logos. The text is bolder as it was in the first logo and maintained the space background. I brought the name clearly into the foreground by removing those annoying lights which made it confusing.

The logo can be easily customised for example at Christmas time I put a Santa hat on the 'L' and decorate with coloured lights.  

Monday, 9 October 2017


1) What video editing software do you use?
2) What is it like to work for the BBC?
3) What jobs do people get after they have completed there apprenticeship at the BBC?
4) What's the best thing and the worst thing about working for the BBC?
5) How much is the average starting wage working for the BBC?
6) What's the working environment?
7) Any advice for getting into the BBC?

The three things I learnt is to keep bothering the BBC. To keep sending emails and don't give up because It will give them the impression that I'm very keen. Also to start small and maybe even be unpaid, but to have a huge passion for film. To promote yourself by having a Twitter account and a YouTube account.

Friday, 6 October 2017



I'm going too research the basic bible story of good against evil. Where Angels and Demons are enemies. I looked into different types of Angels and what they mean. I came across Angels of many different abilities and strengths, but there was only one that stood out.

I came across an angel of healing which is known as 'Raphael'. I really like the name and suited the power of my chosen character really well. So I changed the name from 'Raphael' to Ralphy, so its less weird for him in college as he's trying to blend in. At the end of the film Ralphy saves Maya and sacrifices the power sourse to destroy Demon Oriax. From this Ralphy then becomes Maya's 'Guardian Angel'. But I thought by doing this, the considquence will be he will be trapped on Earth and the gateway closes.

A Guardian Angel is an Angel that protects and looks over a particular person or place. I thought it would be interesting to see this happen at the end of the film.

Just like It did with Angels, I looked into different types of Demons. There was one that stood out and his name is Oriax. A Demon of hell and darkness. This is exactly the type of Demon I needed. So like it did with Ralphy I changed his name to blend in. Oriax to Orias. Or Mr Orias as he's called at Crosswell College. Of course taking human form to disguise himself.

So this power source is like the 'holy grail'. The ultimate power to rebuild worlds and to in brace the power like none other. Demon Oriax wanted it to spread Chaos on Earth and to transport his brothers and 'The Hells' to him. Ralphy wanted the power source to rebulid 'The Heavens' (his home world). Basically to save his planet and to bring life to it. So there's this fight for power and a great urgency to who finds it first.

From these points I've got quite a few Biblical references which have been twisted and harnested into what could be a movie. I've put in there's a good between evil, Demons and Angels, a sacrifice to save another and the Guardian Angel.

Thursday, 5 October 2017



I presented my pitch to Ed and the cameras.  I felt it went good as I was quite nervous about pitching my idea. I didn't manage to fit everything into the allocated time because I had a lot to say about my film. The feedback I got was the story has such a massive scale that it could be turned into a 13 episode series or a full length movie. I got told to shrink it down and simplify it. Also to understand the types of conventions and the world its set in.

In the end the film wasn't chosen and I felt sad. I felt like this because I really thought the film had something special and could of worked really well. Its just the film had so much to it, and would of been a real challenge to make into a short film.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Each route is going the BBC. The particular route is an Editor. The first ladder is the eduction route, school, college and uni. The middle one is the freelance and work experience route. This can be working at home and getting noticed. The last one is the apprenticeship route and building yourself up slowly. The infinity symbol represents the future possibilities.