Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Swot Analysis

Swot Analysis 

In todays lesson I learnt what a Swot analysis was. Swot stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I created a table and listed the things in those categories. Its a tool used to analyse your self. 

In the top left box I listed of my strengths and came up with a few. First of theres the editing. I really enjoy editing and putting things together like a puzzle and to see the end result is so pleasing. I can say I'm a good editor and practice a lot in my spare time. My YouTube channel is a great example and prove of this. I've been editing for about 6 years and been using serval different versions of Sony Vegas and Sony Movie Studio. But since being at Bath College I've become familiar with using Adobe Premier Pro and got the hang of it quite quickly. My camera work is nice and have a good eye for detail and attention to perfect accuracy. As I've done Photography its helped me understand the camera and how it works. I've got great skill using Adobe Photoshop and I've been working with it since school and in my spare time. Creating posters, banner art and any sort of creative projects I'm really good at. I understand most of the tools used and feel really confidant with it. Also unfortunately this can be a weakness as well as a strength, I'm very much a protectionist, and like things to be spot on and 100% correct. I know this isn't always the way but I've learnt to let it slip. In my own time I play a lot of music, I can hear a tune and recreate it on the piano and can tell if a tune/song isn't right or out of tune. This can also be a weakness as I'm hyper sensitive to sound and in everyday life it can be very hard to filter and block things out. 

I find it very hard to understand a brief and to sink in the information given and takes me a lot more long to connect with it. This is a real struggle if the lesson is fast paced. I also find talking to people really hard. In pairs or as a group. Getting my thoughts across if I had any at that point in time. Presenting is the main weakness I think, as I get very stressed about it because I have to stand and speak to the rest of the class which I found difficult anyway. Also I think speed is a weakness, as I said it takes longer to adsorb information and briefs than other people and that's a struggle if its a fast paced lesson.

As for new opportunities I am looking forward to using industry standard equipment and visiting new places. I am looking forward to new projects, creating new content and improving my skills as I go. Its a new opportunity to work with new people and practice working together as a team. As for threads transport might be a slight problem because of morning traffic and lateness, so I going to get an even early bus to get on time. Also my change in support might confuse things as I don't like change. The amount of time to understand work might be a tricky one as I need more time. The amount of work given as there are serval projects on the go all at once.